
Mark 9:2-29
Help My Unbelief

Small Group Questions

Mark 9:2-29



  • Share an experience from your life that amazed you.


  • Read or summarize the passage.
  • Share any observations or questions from the passage or the sermon.



  • Why might it be significant that Moses and Elijah appear with Jesus? How did Jesus fulfill the promises that Moses and Elijah embodied?
  • What is the significance of the cloud that overshadows them? What did God say and why is it significant given what transpired in chapter 8?
  • Why couldn't the disciples drive out the evil Spirit? What does Jesus' reply reveal about the relationship between the work of the disciples, the place of prayer and the work of Jesus?  


  • What is the relationship between faith and prayer? (John 15:7; James 5:13-18) What changes in our understanding of what Jesus teaches about faith and prayer here if we put the emphasis on faith and prayer instead of on God as the object of our faith and prayer?
  • Read and discuss 2 Corinthians 3:4-18. How does this passage enhance our understanding of Christian growth? How does it equip you to worship Jesus more fully? 



As you pray, pray for

  • Grace to trust Him more
  • Wisdom in discerning what He has called you to 
  • Strength and patience (yes, pray for patience) as you grow