
Mark 8:1-21
Don't You Know

Small Group Questions
Mark 8:1-21

● If somebody began a sentence by saying something like, “I like to think of Jesus
as...”, how would you respond?
● Read or summarize the passage.
● Share any observations or questions from the passage or the sermon.
● Review the feeding of the 5,000 in Mark 6: 30-44. What are some of the
similarities and differences between the two feedings?
● Read Psalm 95:8-11. How does the interaction between the Pharisees and Jesus
in Mark resemble that between God and the Israelites in the wilderness? What’s
significant about that? What conclusions can we draw?
● Looking at the questions that Jesus asks the disciples in verses 17-21, why do
you think He focuses on the amount of leftovers? What’s the connection between
the disciples’ lack of belief and their understanding and remembering?
● What are some ways we can help each other to think about and to ponder deeply
the truth about Jesus remembering well who He is and what He has done?
● Read Psalm 77:11-12 and 107:43. How can we apply these instructions to our lives?
As you pray, use Ephesians 3:14-21 to pray for one another.