
Mark 7:24-37
Israel's Messiah, Redeemer of the World

Small Group Questions

Mark 7:24-37



  • When you think of someone you’ve known who demonstrated great faith in God, who comes to mind? In what ways are you challenged by their faith?


  • Read or summarize the passage.
  • Share any observations or questions from the passage or the sermon.


  • What else do we know about the woman who came to Jesus?  What does she ask of Jesus, and what is His response?
  • How do you feel about Jesus’ metaphorical use of the labels “children” and “dogs”?  Who are the children and the dogs? • What is the bread? • What is significant about the word ‘first’?
  • What steps does Jesus take to heal the deaf and mute man?  Why do you think  Jesus chooses to heal him this way?
  • What does the woman seem to recognize about Jesus’ mission? What are the people beginning to recognize about Jesus?  Compare the response of the people with Isaiah 35:5. 



  • What is Jesus modeling for his disciples in these two encounters? What is Jesus revealing about himself and his kingdom? 
  • How can boldness and humility both be demonstrated at the same time in our prayers?  (Hebrews 4:14-16)


As you pray, pray 

  • For boldness and humility
  • For greater faith
  • Ephesians 1:17-19