
Mark 6:45-56, Walk on Water-> Job 9:8, Psalm 77:9, Isaiah 43:16, Walk toward them-> Exodus 33:22, 19; 34:6, 1Kings 19:11, Job 9:8,11 It Is I-> Exodus 3:14,6:6, Isaiah 41:4, 43:10-11; 48:12 Be with Him -> Mark 3:14
Jesus, the God Who Came Near


  • How do you react to severe weather? Is there a memorable storm you’ve ever been in?


  • Read or summarize the passage.
  • Share any observations or questions from the passage or the sermon.



  • How did the disciples respond to the events of that night? What didn’t they understand

about the loaves and how does that impact their response here?

  • How might we rightly be encouraged by the disciples’ slowness to understand who Jesus

was? How might we rightly be convicted by their slowness to understand?

  • How does the reaction of the people in Gennesaret provide a contrast to what happened on the boat with the disciples?

What do you think the point of the contrast is?

  • How do the following parts of the story reveal Jesus’ identity?

○ walking on water (Job 9:8,11)

○ passing by the disciples

(Exodus 33:19, 22, 34:6)

○ saying “it is I” (Exodus 3:14)



  • Why do you think Jesus “went up on the mountain to pray” after sending the disciples and the crowds away? How can this inform our own prayer lives?
  • Read Colossians 1:15-20. In what ways does it comfort you knowing that Jesus is God, the Great I Am, the Creator and Sustainer of all things?
  • What is ultimately necessary for someone to truly recognize Jesus as God and begin to live out the implications of that in their lives (see 2 Corinthians 4:6)? How should this impact our            work of evangelism?


As you pray, pray Colossians 1:9-14.