
Mark 6:14-30

Sermon Notes

Small Group Questions
Mark 6:14-30

● What is the best gift you’ve ever received or one that you have hoped for?

● Read or summarize the passage.
● Share any observations or questions from the passage or the sermon.

● What were people saying about Jesus and why? What did Herod think of Jesus?
What was it about Jesus that kept most people from believing that He was the
○ What false ideas about Jesus do people entertain today?
● Why did John the Baptist call out Herod for his marriage to Herodias? How was
John’s condemnation of Herod’s adulterous marriage related to the central
message of John’s preaching?
○ How does this inform our witness in the present culture? What
responsibility do Christians have to confront non-believers with their sin
and to tell them of the remedy that Christ offers?
● This passage gives us insight into the mind of King Herod. What blatant sins and
character flaws of Herod are on display here?
○ What do Herod’s actions throughout this episode and James 1:14-15 say
about the way sin operates in a person’s life?
○ What can we learn from this and how can we prevent sin from getting out
of control in our own lives? How does Romans 6 relate?

As you pray, pray for wisdom
● to declare who Jesus is
● to speak the truth to others in love
● to confront sin with the truth of the gospel