Think back to the beginning of this week and the video you watched—we talked about the chaos and craziness of this time of year. Are you feeling it yet? There are presents to wrap, parties to attend, and meals to prepare. Maybe you feel distracted throughout the day, or you’re waking up at odd hours of the night to make and review the lists in your head over and over again. It doesn’t feel possible to do it all, and there’s a whole slew of people who you fear you’ll disappoint if you fail. Are you feeling that Christmas spirit yet?
Well, just like the effects of sin are not only global but also personal, so, too, are the effects of peace. We long for the day when Christ returns to restore perfect peace to the world, but we shouldn’t forget what this means for each of us, individually—in the big picture of our lives, yes, but also in the little, stressful moments of each day. And right now, in what can be a crazy season, we’re not meant to feel guilt or shame when we feel overwhelmed. Instead, we should see these moments and feelings of it all just being “too much” as an invitation to find rest.
Perfect peace has come through Jesus Christ, and we have free access to it. So when we feel pressure coming from all sides to enter into and even celebrate chaos, we can pause and remember everything we’ve talked about this week—our God is the God of true, lasting peace in this moment, this season, and always. We can take time to be still, to pray, and to remember all that is true and beautiful about Him.
We are called to share the good news of Jesus. Consider your friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, and teammates. We have the opportunity to connect this seasonal celebration with the Prince of peace. So throughout Advent and beyond, slow down and consider where you need to step away from chaos and into the peace of Jesus. Then, look up and look around, be bold, and begin to share the gospel of peace to all the earth, beginning first with those right in front of you.
[Matt Chandler (2021). (p. 37). Family Advent Devotional - Bible Study eBook. Lifeway Press. Retrieved from]